We made it out of the first month!!!!
That is a victory in itself!
Yall have NO idea the amount of life shifting changes have happened in 30 days!
Syncere started us off with having the WORST back to school virus I've ever experienced! I thought having Covid with two kids was horrible! NOPE! Try having a kid who has had his flu shot (but not used to LA air) be exposed to the icky germs and nasty viruses! THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!!
Oh My Gosh..... is was a nightmare! Three days of tummy aches, nasty poops, no eating, constant vomiting, late nights....it was brutal. We were lucky it wasn't much worse with high temps. I'm grateful. But, that's not including trying to juggle working from home, a new profession as a personal assistant, transitioning records and files from one state to another, budgeting for a new lifestyle, working on applying for school, and caring for and guarding another child in the SAME household!
Phew,! That was a crazy week, right?
Wait for it, cause just this past week I was hit with ROUND 2! This time it was me and my youngest, my baby girl, Kenlee. And BOY IS SHE THE MOST HORRIBLE TYPE OF SICK. We both are. Some medical factors aside, it is NOT pretty; and then to be sick together?!?!.....OMG!!!
Overall, and with many smiles, I can say that Life is blitzing by! I am so happy that things are starting to fall into place for me! My sister and I are on the road to a long recovery, but I am hoping that we can keep open communication and steady accountability, we will be okay.
That's all for now guys!