I truthfully don't understand why it is so hard for people to be open and honest.
I do not understand why it is difficult to give what they expect.
I truthfully do not get why it is so hard to vocalize what you feel and what you think.
Then again, maybe I am the one who just doesn't get it.
Maybe I am wrong.
Maybe....I am the problem.
It's hard to love someone...or something....HARD, for it to not give you
what it is you seek in return. Then, when and IF, you do receive it, it's a fraction of what you've
almost expired giving out. There is little to no feeling behind it
The meaning is lackluster
The point is dull, or non-existent.
I wish it was easier,
better than before.
I assumed working through this,
would make you want this even more.
I never considered, or imagined you'd be bored
from the love and devotion I give,
I assumed you'd want more and more.
Oh, how wrong I was.
Not seeing the light shine bright in your eyes
The change in how you'd embrace me....
cold, distant, and adrift at see....
why is it that you keep running from what is meant to be?
Claiming your love for someone
To crave them,
need them,
want them,
pray for them in secure silence.....
only to push them away is wrong
How could you do that to someone who's waited this long?
The sheer joy I wanted you to have for us
the wholeness and feeling complete...
I know where I messed up,
I shouldn't have invited you to share my sheets.
Never did I imagine you'd break my heart this way,
And take away the rhythm
slowing up my hearts true song,
destroying the cadence of our heartbeat.
I'm lost
searching for answers to questions that are now incomplete
Losing myself again in love,
That seems to never be for me.